Substack Mastery of ILLUMINATION Community
Substack Mastery of ILLUMINATION Community
Audio Discussion of Chapter 18 in Substack Mastery Book by Dr Mehmet Yildiz: Special Edition for Book Authors

Audio Discussion of Chapter 18 in Substack Mastery Book by Dr Mehmet Yildiz: Special Edition for Book Authors

How Substack Writers Can Leverage Reedsy to Become Published Authors and Scale Their Publishing Business with Global Collaboration

Dear Subscribers,

Yesterday, we shared the summary of chapter 17 about Substack polls, and our subscribers loved it. Hundreds of them downloaded the free podcasts and encouraged us to send such interactive discussions of this amazing educational tool for Substack writers. For those who missed it we link it here.

About Today’s Episode

Earlier today, our chief editor

published the Chapter 18 of his best-selling book Substack Mastery for free for our community. His goal is, while educating our community, to obtain feedback from beta readers to improve the quality of this exceptional book for next versions and make it a valuable tool for our community and beyond.

As the editors and curators of ILLUMINATION publications on Medium and Substack, we found this comprehensive chapter helpful and converted it into a 15-minute interactive podcast discussion using Google’s NKLM tool for busy people so that they can quickly understand the value and benefits of this important and easy-to-use tool. This chapter might be a game-changer for book authors.

Dr Yildiz believes that Reedsy might take the newsletters of book authors to another level. Yesterday, he posted a poll from his Content Strategy, Development, & Marketing Insights newsletters. If you are interested, you can participate in this poll and share your experience with Reedsy as a powerful platform for book authors.

Purpose of Chapter 18 in Substack Mastery Book

In this chapter, you will get a summary of his manuscript designed to onboard freelance writers and content entrepreneurs to Reedsy, highlighting compelling reasons for this and covering the pros and cons independently. While he crafted this chapter primarily for advanced writers and published authors, aspiring writers on Substack who are thinking about writing a book may also find it helpful. His goal is to introduce another powerful tool for Substack writers to consider — one that you can embrace if it aligns with your needs and aspirations or set aside if it doesn’t. I am simply a messenger and strategist offering you options to choose from.

Links to Available Free Chapters of the Substack Mastery Book

He published the book chapter for free on his website and also on Medium for his followers. You can access all his chapters from the following links. He provided the free version link at the top of each story. If you are not a member of Medium, you can read the chapters from his website for free.

Preface of “Substack Mastery” for Beta Readers, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18.

We will do the same for previous chapters soon and share them on our newsletters here. Thank you for reading, providing feedback to improve this book, and also subscribing to our newsletters.

Our senior editor

summarized the first three chapters and the 4, 5, 6 in similar audio format in two different posts we link below. We believe these summaries will speed up your learning and save you time. Our goal is to make your journey easier and more enjoyable with editorial and curation support.

, , our editor/content curator, a YouTuber and our media coordinator will also convert them to YouTube videos on our new channel Substack Mastery.

Subcribe to Our YouTube Channel

We curated many great newsletters from our community members and will share them in another post soon on Medium, Substack, and the ILLUMINATION community blogs syndicated at blogsite. For those who missed our previous newsletter, here is the latest episode of our curated newsletters. Here is our recent episode on Substack.

For Medium, writers, we are now updating the submission guidelines of our 15 publications to align with our new strategic direction. Here are the links to updated guidelines so far:

New Submission Guidelines for ILLUMINATION, Curated Newsletters, SYNERGY, and Technology Hits.

For those interested in our 3-Tier Service Model, please check out this bulletin posted by the team and authored by , our sponsor and lead founding member.

Content Strategy, Development, & Marketing Insights
The Strategic Move: ILLUMINATION Community’s Commercial Arm for Charitable Success
Read more

All our writers are also invited to be guest bloggers on our community website led by Dr Yildiz and our editorial, curation, and technical team. You can find the details in the story titled Here’s Why I Opened My Website to Freelance Writers as Guest Bloggers from Multiple Platforms.

Apply to Be a Guest Blogger

You are also welcome to join our free community for freelance writers on Patreon to share the links of your Substack newsletters or other promotional tools in community chat rooms for all members

Join Us on Patreon

Thank you for reading and sharing our newsletters. We wish you the best.

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Appears in episode
Dr Mehmet Yildiz