Why subscribe to Substack Mastery?

As part of the ILLUMINATION community, the Substack Mastery publication is an education, collaboration, and promotion tool for creators, freelancer writers, and content entrepreneurs both on Medium and Substack. We have a public publication on Medium where subscribers can introduce their newsletters.

Link to publication page on Medium.
Submission Guidelines for Substack Mastery on Medium

The purpose is to educate beginners, help members collaborate, and promote their newsletters on multiple platforms like Medium, Substack, Quora, LinkedIn and social media tools like Facebook, X, and Reddit.

Here is how we promote newsletters on Medium.

We provide free service to all subscribers and will provide additional services to paid members. With the funds collected from paid members we will hire marketing professionals to do the promotion work for paid members.

Paid membership is optional and we will always continue to support free subscription as we are not a business organization. Our chief editor

explained the structure of the organization in an article titled: How I Architected a Charity Organization & Why I Will Run It Like a Business.

If you are not a writer with our publications on Medium you can send your Medium ID via our writer registration portal. We will also send you invitation to our Slack workspace and our other Substack sites like ILLUMINATION Library for Freelance Writers, ILLUMINATION Writing Academy, and Content Strategy, Development, & Marketing Insights. We will have one newsletter for each publication in the future.

As an information tool our newsletter will provide educational content curated from experienced writers of Medium and Substack. We will also provide publication guidelines and helpful tips from editors and curators of our publications.

By subscribing Substack Mastery newsletter you will be part of a community of people who share your interests. We will create education sessions through stories and discussion threads in Notes for members to engage in each others content and share them in their networks.

If your a beginner you can check out this guide to get you started on Substack. If you have tried Substack but got overwhelmed you may review this checklist by Dr Yildiz. He will continue to share his experience as part of our community leader.

Thank you for being part of Substack Mastery community. We will inform, educate, and promote your newsletter leveraging the power of our community.

Here is how we promote newsletters on Medium.

Subscribe to Substack Mastery of ILLUMINATION Community

This newsletter is to empower freelance writers and entrepreneurs of ILLUMINATION community both on Substack and Medium using our publications.


Senior curators of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium.com and Substack.com